Markdown is intended to be as easy-to-read and easy-to-write as is feasible.
John Gruber
Section Heading <h1> - <h6>
Inline Code <code>
A fragment of computer code:
element name (code
filename (index.html
computer program (cat
or any string a computer would recognize (~
, if
, else
a fragment of computer code:
computer program ( `cat` ),
or any string a computer would recognize ( `~` , `if` , `else` ).
a fragment of computer code: element name (< code >code</ code >), filename (< code >index.html</ code >), computer program (< code >cat</ code >), or any string a computer would recognize (< code >~</ code >,
< code >if</ code >, < code >else</ code >).
Emphasis <em>
Stress emphasis on the right syllable .
stress _emphasis_ on the right _syllable_ .
Stress < em >emphasis</ em > on the right < em >syllable</ em >.
Strong Importance <strong>
Strong importance:
it should not be used to apply bold styling , use css
for that.
Don’t use <b>
for styling either!
it should not be used to apply **bold styling** , use ** `css` ** for that.
**Don't use** `<b>` for styling either!
< strong >strong importance:</ strong > it should not be used to apply
< strong >bold styling</ strong >, use < strong >< code >css</ code ></ strong > for that. < strong >don't use</ strong >
< code > < b > </ code > for styling either!
Block Quotation <blockquote>
The blockquote
element represents a section that is quoted from another source .
< p >[Jane] then said she liked [...] fish.</ p >
> The `blockquote` element represents a section that is quoted from _another source_ .
>> <p>[Jane] then said she liked [...] fish.</p>
The < code >blockquote</ code > element represents a section that is quoted from < em >another source</ em >.
< p >< strong >Example</ strong ></ p >
< div class = "sourceCode" id = "cb1" >< pre class = "sourceCode html" >
< code class = "sourceCode html" >< span id = "cb1-1" >< a href = "#cb1-1" aria-hidden = "true" tabindex = "-1" ></ a >< span class = "dt" > < </ span >< span class = "kw" >blockquote</ span >< span class = "dt" > > </ span ></ span >
< span id = "cb1-2" >< a href = "#cb1-2" aria-hidden = "true" tabindex = "-1" ></ a > < span class = "dt" > < </ span >< span class = "kw" >p</ span >< span class = "dt" > > </ span >[Jane] then said she liked [...] fish.< span class = "dt" > < /</ span >< span class = "kw" >p</ span >< span class = "dt" > > </ span ></ span >
< span id = "cb1-3" >< a href = "#cb1-3" aria-hidden = "true" tabindex = "-1" ></ a >< span class = "dt" > < /</ span >< span class = "kw" >blockquote</ span >< span class = "dt" > > </ span ></ span ></ code ></ pre ></ div >
Image <img>
![ Astro mascot with a hard hat ]( ../../../../assets/images/houston.webp )
![ full moon face, twitter emoji ]( ../../../../assets/images/twemoji/full-moon-face-1f31d.svg "tooltip: full moon face" )
![ replacement text if the image isn't available ]( /no-directory/images/not-available.png )
< img src = "../../../../assets/images/houston.webp" alt = "Astro mascot with a hard hat" />
src = "../../../../assets/images/twemoji/full-moon-face-1f31d.svg"
title = "tooltip: full moon face"
alt = "full moon face, twitter emoji"
src = "/no-directory/images/not-available.png"
alt = "replacement text if the image isn ' t available"
Anchor/Hyperlink <a>
link to usage ,
astro ,
anchor to code section
link to [ usage ]( ../../usage/ ) ,
[ astro ]( ) ,
anchor to [ code section ]( #inline-code-code )
link to < a href = "../../usage/" >usage</ a >, < a href = "" >astro</ a >, anchor to
< a href = "#inline-code-code" >code section</ a >
Unordered List <ul>
Ordered List <ol>
item 01
item 02
item 03
Thematic Break <hr>
This is topic 1.
This is topic 2.
This is topic 3.
This is topic 4.